Real lifechallengesofaparalympian

The real-life challenges of a paralympian

Many of us look back at our adolescent years as a time of adventure, freedom and fun, but for one paralympian, Jack Eyers, his adolescent years were engraved with perhaps one of the life’s hardest challenges – having his leg amputated. Read Jack’s story and learn about the real-life challenges and successes of a paralympian.

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Why it’s ok to gain a pound, (or 4) this Christmas

As a nutritionist I get requests every year from magazines and journalists asking me for tips and quotes on ways to ‘avoid the festive weight gain’ or for ‘guilt-free Christmas recipes’. And if your inbox and twitter feed looks anything like mine, it’ll currently be full to the brim with ‘survival guides’, ‘action plans’ and ‘strategies’ for avoiding the ‘dreaded Christmas weight gain’ (*unfollow).   Anyone would think that we’re preparing for going into battle, rather than entering the festive season.

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